NT 在“英雄联盟:激 🌲 斗峡谷”(LOL 手游)中“常用来表示不需要谢谢”。它通常在队友做出积极的贡献后使用,例如击杀、助。攻或提供帮助
使 🕷 用 NT 表达感谢是一种快速、简单的交流方式,可以节省聊天栏中的空间并有助于 🐬 保持游戏节奏。它,也可。能被认为是 🦈 尊重队友的一种方式因为它承认他们的贡献而无需太多的言语
Introduction to Intermediate LoL: Wild Rift
Understanding the Meta
Identify the current strong champions and team compositions.
Analyse win rates and pick/ban statistics to predict draft strategies.
Adapt to changes in the meta, such as item buffs and nerfs.
Refining Mechanics
Master autoattacking, ability aiming, and wave management.
Optimise your loadout with runes and items to enhance champion performance.
Practice skill combos and matchups to gain an advantage in trades.
Teamfighting and Objectives
Learn when and where to engage or disengage from teamfights.
Coordinate with your team to execute strategies, such as peeling for carries or securing objectives.
Understand the importance of scuttle蟹 🌷 , Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor.
Map Awareness and Jungle Play
Develop situational awareness and track enemy movements through wards and pings.
Plan your jungle routes to maximise farm and avoid ganks.
Identify enemy jungle camps to countergank or secure objectives.
Mindset and Communication
Maintain a positive and competitive mindset.
Communicate effectively with your team, using pings, chat, and voice.
Learn from mistakes and focus on improving your gameplay.
Tips for Intermediate Players
Analyse replays of your games to identify areas for improvement.
Join tournaments or scrimmages to test your skills and learn from others.
Study professional players' streams and vods to gain insights into highlevel play.
Be patient and persistent, as reaching the intermediate level requires time and effort.
普通模式 🐒 ,又称 排,位模式是《英雄 🦆 联盟手游》中,的一种游戏模式具有以 🦆 下特点:
玩家可以组队或 🦊 单排进行游 🐛 戏 🐟 。
玩家被匹配到 🐒 技能 🌷 水平相似的其他玩家。
根据玩家表现玩家,的 🌴 段 🦍 位和胜点会发生变化。
玩家可以 🌳 通过提升段位和胜点获得奖励 🌸 。
普通模式 🌷 比匹配模式更具竞争性。