






















2017 年,一件新石器时代陶土人像在佳士得拍出 130 万美元。

2018 年,一件约旦的陶器容器在苏富比拍出 300 万美元。

2021 年,一件中国新石器时代彩陶盆在嘉德拍卖会上拍出 1000 万美元。




in the United Kingdom and did not go to design school suggested to me that a class for self-taught designers be started. I had been teaching part-time since 1991, and was then working with MIS Project Managers to design reports that would show the comparies's progress in implementing the Business Applications software. Unfortunately, as I was working as a full-time consultant, I didn't have time to investigate this new opportunity. However, shortly thereafter, I left my consulting job to become the Curriculum Developer for the 2-year Business Applications program at BCIT. One of my first tasks was to look into the possibility of offering a specialisation in Design for this program.

Around the same time that I was looking at this possibility, an educator by the name of Stefan Lucassen arrived at BCIT. He had a Masters in Design from the Design Academy in Eindhhoven, Holland and had worked in a design consulting business for 10 years before coming to BCIT. He introduced me to the world of Design. As one of his course projects, he asked me to design a new curriculum for a Design Processes course which would be available to students in many programs at BCIT. I developed this course and taugth it for the next seven years, all the while learning more about Design myself.

As a result of BCIT's curriculum revision in 1999, the distinction between programs was removed, and instead all students now take a common core of "competencies" which includes courses such as Spreadsheet Applications, Multimedia, etc. As a result of these changes, Design Processes became a required course for all students. However, since my curriculum development skills had now been put to some good use, I became involved in re-writing some of the core courses such as Spreadsheet Applications, and Multimedia, etc. to incorporate more Design Principles.

At the same time that I was doing all of this, a group of highly skilled teachers from various programs at BCIT met regularly to discuss common issues and to take part in professional development activities. At one of these meetings, we made a decision to research advanced aspects of Design and to develop a new program that would build on the foundation courses that were already in place at BCIT. I was appointed Chair of the program development committee. As a result of my enthusiastic interest in the project, and my willingness to devote a great deal of time to it, I was also appointed the Program Coordinator. Working closely with the other members of the committee, we designed the new program and had it approved by various governance bodies at BCIT and by the provincial Ministry of Education.

The first intake of students occured in September 2001, with a total of 30 students registering. This number increased to 40 the following September, and was expected to increase to 70 in September 2003. The program was an instant and incredible success. As a result of this, I was approached by the Dean and asked if I would be interested in becoming the Program Head. I accepted this offer, and since September 2002, have been working in this position. Since then, I have continued to work on curriculum development and refinement, as well as faculty development, and am extremely proud of the program and the successes of our graduates.

In addition to the above, I have also participated in the development of resources for the Business Applications program and have written materials such as lab manuals, project guides, and learning objectives. In addition, I have also given presentations at several BCIT events, and have presented workshops for instructor development.

As the founder and program head for the Design & Web Development program at BCIT, I am proud to say that I have a profound impact on the program and on the careers of my students. One of my greatest strengths is my ability to identify business and curriculum needs, and to work with faculty and the broader community to provide a learning environment that provides students with the skills they need to be successful. My dedication to student success is evident in my commitment to program development and delivery, and in my willingness to go above and beyond to help my students succeed. I believe that my skills and dedication would make me a valuable asset to your team in your search for a new Director of Digital Media Programs.

I am confident that I have the skills and experience that you are looking for in a Director of Digital Media Programs. I am a highly motivated and results-oriented leader with a proven track record of success in curriculum development and program implementation. I am also an effective communicator and have a strong commitment to student success. I am eager to learn more about your organization and how my skills and experience can contribute to your success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]




1. 收集粘土:



2. 制备粘土:




3. 成型:


盘卷法: 将粘土卷成长条,然后盘卷成所需形状

泥条法: 将粘土搓成细条,然后堆叠并塑造成所需形状

拍打法: 将粘土块拍 flat,然后塑造出所需形状

4. 晾干:



5. 打磨:


6. 烧制:


温度需要足够高以使粘土硬化(通常在 400-600 摄氏度之间)


7. 冷却:


8. 装饰:


划线: 使用尖锐的工具在陶器表面刻划设计

印花: 使用印章或其他工具在陶器上压印设计

彩绘: 使用天然颜料在陶器上绘制设计



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